Normales Thema English-German-Tandem, Nr. 2 (Gelesen: 1.658 mal)

English-German-Tandem, Nr. 2
04.10.2004 um 12:33:01

Ich suche einen/eine EngländerIn/AmerikanerIn/AustralierIn..., der/die Lust hat besser deutsch zu lernen und dafür mir hilft mein Englisch zu verbessern. Wenn du Lust hast einmal die Woche deutsch und englisch zu reden, vielleicht  deutsche und englische Filme zu sehen, Bücher zu lesen und dabei Spaß zu haben, melde dich bitte. Bin auch für andere Ideen offen, wie wir unser Sprachvermögen verbessern können.

Hallo Neulinge,
Hi newcomers,
we´re speaking English (including native speakers, of course) every thursday evening 8pm at the, Basaltstr.13a/Florastr., Frankfurt-Bockenheim (Underground: U6/7 Leipziger Str.). Moderation: Gabi...
We´re also interested in contacting you in respect to German-English speaking connections worldwide.   
In cooperation with several English speaking groups of the region, we´re offering a wide range of contacts and recommendations for newcomers and other interested people.
Our Partners:
...and a lot more...
You´re welcome anyway!
CU/BG Andreas

     Interested in Communication with Germany
Hello Everyone!
I have just joined the Deutsche Amerikanische Exchange. I am an American, but I lived in Wurzburg, Germany for 3 years. I really loved Germany. So, I am practicing my German in hopes of going back to Germany some day in the future. I would love to talk with anyone!
Thank you,
YaBB Newbie

     Re: English-German-Tandem
Dear all,
Please use the following email address
from now on:
Thanks and regards,

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